Dark tea is a prevalent beverage created from the completely oxidized leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. Dark tea normally contains caffeine; in spite of the fact that the dimensions of caffeine in all tea are much lower than espresso, a few people wish to maintain a strategic distance from all caffeine, or need to for medicinal or religious reasons.
This article investigates sans caffeine home grown teas that offer a flavor and fragrance profile like that of dark tea. There is no precise match to repeat the characteristics of black tea brands, however there are some great choices that can get you close.
Rooibos: South African red "tea":
Rooibos isn't carefully a sort of tea, as it is created from a herb that isn't firmly identified with the tea plant. Rooibos is delivered through an oxidation procedure which is from numerous points of view like that used to create dark and oolong teas: subsequent to reaping, the leaves are permitted to oxidize, for this situation, turning them a rich red shading.
Numerous tea consumers depict rooibos as being most "tea-like" among caffeine free natural mixtures. The flavor profile is like tea, maybe somewhat less unpleasant, and the smell is rich and natural, with some fruity tones.
Red raspberry leaf:
Red raspberry leaf is best known as a therapeutic tea used to advance ladies' wellbeing amid pregnancy. Be that as it may, not at all like some natural mixtures prescribed for ladies, raspberry leaf does not demonstrate proof of changing hormone levels, and it is a mellow herb, generally viewed as sheltered, so it is alright for the two people to drink normally as a refreshment.
The glass created by soaking red raspberry leaf in water is a rich dim shading, much like some dark tea, and the smell additionally shares certain qualities in a similar manner as dark tea. Notwithstanding the way that this beverage is delivered from a similar plant as raspberries, the fragrance and kind of the fermented glass looks to some extent like raspberries: rather it is gritty and herbaceous, somewhere close to the characteristics of a solid dark tea, and the crisp scents of a verdant raspberry fix in summer.
Different herbs, and my own synopsis:
In spite of the fact that rooibos and red raspberry leaf are the two herbs that rung a bell when considering sans caffeine choices that most intently look like dark tea in flavor and fragrance, there are a bunch of other normally sans caffeine herbs out there that produce heavenly mixtures. Regardless of whether you don't discover them to intently take after tea itself, you may appreciate may different ones as well. I would urge you to investigate distinctive home grown teas and choose for yourself which you appreciate most. My review here